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Crazy Sascha (Super Admin)

Crazy Sascha
Super Admin

Land: Deutschland
Paypal / Donate https://paypal.me/crazysascha
Über mich I am 48 years young and from germany. I enjoy going to concerts and I‘m proud that everyone in my family likes Rock‘n‘Roll as much as I do. At the age of 11 I‘ve seen the movie “The Wanderers“ and from then on I was in love with the music. That was the point in my life where I decided to walk throuh life as a Rock‘n‘Roller. My favorit musician‘s are Ted Herold, Peter Alexander, Batmobile, Rockabilly Mafia, Panhandle Alks and many more musician‘s. My goal with the Show „Halbstark“ is to share my favorit music with everyone and to get the listeners to dance, to make everyone laugh and to spread good mood after a bad day. Overall I want to bring you and the german music scene a little bit closer together.
offline: 28.06.2024 - 13:21
Dabei seit: 01.12.2021